This public yoga class concentrates on physical health and mental well-being. Hatha yoga uses bodily postures (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayama), and meditation techniques (dhyana) with the goal of bringing about a sound, healthy body, and a clear, peaceful mind. The asanas work to make the spine supple, the core strong and supple and to promote circulation in the organs, glands, and tissues. Hatha yoga postures strengthen and stretch the body, promoting balance and flexibility.
This class is suitable for all levels.

To join:
Park Classes will be held in WIthrow Park, south of the tennis courts beside Logan Ave.

Park yoga classes are run through the Yoga Sanctuary and can be paid for through the Mind Body App online at All payments in CAD.
– 1 class – $12.00
– 5 classes – $55.00
– 10 classes – $100.00