Posts In: Meditation

A Guide to Alternate Nostril Breathing

The fall season brings with it a shift in weather, and for many, an increase in stress and allergies. It’s a time when we seek harmony within ourselves to maintain overall well-being. One effective way to achieve this balance is through the practice of Nadi Shodhana, also known as alternate nostril breathing.

What is Nadi Shodhana?

Nadi Shodhana is an ancient yogic breathing technique that helps align your body and mind. It’s particularly useful during the fall season, as it promotes relaxation, supports respiratory health, and reduces stress. This practice is simple, yet its benefits are profound.

How to Practice Nadi Shodhana

Follow these steps to practice Nadi Shodhana:

Step 1: Find a Comfortable Space

  • Choose a quiet, comfortable place to sit with your spine straight. You can sit on a chair or cross-legged on the floor.

Step 2: Relax

  • Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to relax. This prepares you for the practice.

Step 3: Position Your Hand

  • Use your right thumb to close your right nostril and your right ring finger or pinky to close your left nostril.

Step 4: Begin the Practice

  • Close your right nostril with your thumb and inhale slowly and deeply through your left nostril.
  • Close your left nostril with your ring finger or pinky, and release your right nostril.
  • Exhale slowly and completely through your right nostril.
  • Inhale deeply through your right nostril.
  • Close your right nostril and release your left nostril.
  • Exhale slowly and completely through your left nostril. This completes one round.

Step 5: Repeat

  • Continue this cycle for several rounds, focusing on your breath and maintaining a calm, steady pace. Ensure that each inhale and exhale is of equal duration.

Step 6: Finish

  • When you’re ready to finish, end with an exhalation through your left nostril.

If you prefer, here’s a link to an easy Nadi Shodhana practice.

The Benefits of Nadi Shodhana

Nadi Shodhana offers several benefits that are particularly relevant in the fall season:

  1. Balancing Energy: It helps balance the body’s energy, making it especially useful during seasonal transitions.
  2. Stress Reduction: Nadi Shodhana calms the mind, reduces stress, and promotes a sense of inner peace.
  3. Respiratory Health: The practice supports respiratory health, which is crucial during the fall when allergies can be problematic.
  4. Cognitive Clarity: It enhances mental clarity and focus, helping you stay sharp and productive during busy fall days.

Incorporating Nadi Shodhana into your daily routine can help you navigate the challenges of the fall season with poise and balance.

As we step into the fall season, it’s essential to nurture both our physical and mental well-being. Nadi Shodhana, with its numerous benefits, can be a valuable tool in achieving this balance. Take a few moments each day to practice this ancient technique, and you’ll find yourself better equipped to face the seasonal changes with clarity and inner harmony.

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December 11, 2022

Are the Holidays stressing you out?

A lot of people have been asking me about my workshop on Managing Holiday Stress with Ayurveda and Yoga.  If you weren’t able to join me last week, I will be running this again – virtually this time on Friday December 16th, from 12-1pm

In this workshop we will go into specific tools and techniques you can use right away to manage your stress, now, through the holidays and beyond. 

Workshop Highlights
In this 60-minute session we will dive deep, combining the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda and Yoga with what we know about stress from western science to:

  • Uncover What Stress Is and Is Not
  • Discuss the Consequences of Excess Stress
  • Understand the Mechanics of Stress
  • Learn How to Recognize Stress
  • Give you some tools to manage stress now, through the season, and beyond.

Register now to avoid disappointment! Spaces are limited.

To register for this workshop, click the link below.

It’s time for a reset! Feel vibrant, happy, and resilient in 2022 by aligning with the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda and Yoga to build healthy habits for life.

New Year, New Habits, New You

The Align and Shine Challenge from January 1 through January 14 is where we start the new year right.

Languishing, bloated, and groggy is no way to do your 2022. If the past few years have taught us anything it’s that languishing is not how we want to feel. It doesn’t get us to the goals we want to achieve, and it can be downright dangerous.

So, in the Align and Shine Challenge, you will step up your understanding of how to align with nature’s rhythms. You’ll learn how to incorporate rhythmic eating, breath, and movement practices to kickstart your day. You’ll breakthrough to new levels of intuition, clarity, and flow. Clarity, intuition and flow are the opposite of grog and languish.

You will shine.
Are you ready to learn just how good you can feel?

Click here to learn more.

The holiday season is coming! If your stress levels are rising, Ayurveda and Yoga can help you boost your resilience.

Date: Wednesday November 24, 2021
Time: 7–8:30 pm

While the holidays should be a time of joy and peace, for many of us they can also be stressful. Planning gatherings, visiting family, buying presents, worrying about budgetary constraints, battling holiday traffic—it can all add up!

But what if instead of getting swept up in the tide of the season, we instead initiated habits now to help eliminate the discomfort we’ve come to accept as normal at year end – exhausted, bloated, broke?

It’s entirely possible to sail into the New Year grounded and healthy and partake in all of the celebrations and beautiful traditions that give the season it’s meaning! Yoga and Ayurveda offer a wealth of simple, easy, natural ways to take the edge off stress around the holidays and otherwise.

Join me in this 90-minute talk that will combine the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda and Yoga with western behavioural science to build some new healthy habits that will help you manage stress now, through the season, and beyond. In this talk we will dive deep to give you some new tools and techniques to start your journey to a healthier, happier, and more vibrant life.

Click below to register and get your FREE tickets:

Guided Meditation – FB Live

September 16, 2020

Partnering with Innergy Corporate Yoga, I’ll be guiding a 15 minute meditation on Wednesday, September 23rd at 1:15 pm EST / 10:15 am PST.

This will be live on the Innergy Corporate Yoga facebook page.

Park Yoga!

July 24, 2020

Through the Yoga Sanctuary, I’m very excited to be leading yin and hatha flow classes at Withrow Park! Check out my timetable or click on the links below for the details.

Park Hatha Flow – Tuesdays at 9:30-10:30 am
Park Yin – Wednesdays at 5:30 – 6:45 pm

Park Classes will be held in Withrow Park, south of the tennis courts beside Logan Ave.

I can’t wait to see your beautiful faces in person again!

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Guided Meditation

May 29, 2020

Partnering with Innergy Corporate Yoga, I’ll be guiding a 20 minute meditation on Wednesday, June 3rd at 1:00 pm EST / 10:00 am PST.

Read more about the class and sign up.

Chair Yoga Mini-Class

May 22, 2020

Are you feeling tight or sore from working in your home office? Come sit and stretch with me on Wednesday May 27 at 1pm EST / 10am PST. Partnering with Innergy Corporate Yoga, I’ll be guiding a 20-minute mini chair yoga class. See you there! Read more about the class here and sign up.

Intro to Meditation

May 14, 2020

Partnering with Innergy Corporate Yoga, I’ll be guiding a 20 minute introduction to meditation Wednesday, May 20 at 1:15pm EST / 10:15am PST.

Read more about the class and sign up.

Intro to Meditation

May 3, 2020

Partnering with Innergy Corporate Yoga, I’ll be guiding a 20-minute intro to meditation on Thursday, May 7th at 10am PST / 1pm EST

Read more about the class and sign up.