Posts In: Ayurveda

According to the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda, the transition from the warmth of summer to the crisp, colourful days of fall signals the perfect time for a fall detox. Ayurveda, which focuses on harmonizing our lifestyle and diet with the changing seasons, offers valuable insights into why a fall detox is beneficial for our well-being. Let’s delve deeper into the Ayurvedic perspective on this practice and explore how optimizing it can enhance our overall health.

1. Ayurveda and the Harmony of Nature: Ayurveda revolves around the belief that our inner balance is intricately connected to the external environment. Each season corresponds to a specific dosha, or energy type, with fall being associated with the Vata dosha. To stay in harmony with nature, Ayurveda suggests adapting our habits and dietary choices to align with these seasonal shifts.

2. Post-Summer Toxin Cleanse: Summer often brings indulgences that can lead to heat accumulation and toxin buildup in the body. Excessive sun exposure, irregular eating patterns, and dehydration can disrupt our internal equilibrium. A fall detox serves as a valuable reset button, helping us flush out these accumulated toxins and paving the way for a healthier, grounded season ahead.

3. Building Resilience and Nourishment: Unlike extreme fasting or harsh cleanses, Ayurvedic fall detox practices focus on nourishing and fortifying the body. This approach strengthens our immune system, enhances digestion, and bolsters overall vitality, preparing us for the colder months.

4. Vata Balancing Act: The fall season often brings Vata imbalances, which can manifest as anxiety, insomnia, digestive issues, and restlessness. A well-designed fall detox tailored to balance Vata can bring calmness to the mind, soothe the nervous system, and instil a sense of inner tranquility.

5. Savouring Seasonal Fare: Ayurveda places great emphasis on eating seasonally. During the fall, warm, nourishing foods like soups, stews, and root vegetables take centre stage. Incorporating Ayurvedic herbs and spices such as turmeric, ginger, and cinnamon can further enhance the detox process and promote well-being.

6. Mind-Body Synergy: In addition to dietary adjustments, Ayurveda highlights the importance of mind-body practices like yoga and meditation. These practices ground us, reduce stress, and deepen our connection to the season, making them essential companions to a fall detox.

7. Personalized Approach: Ayurveda acknowledges that every individual is unique, with distinct constitutions (Prakriti) and imbalances (Vikriti). For a tailored detox plan that suits your needs, consulting with an Ayurvedic practitioner is advisable.

Ayurveda’s wisdom urges us to detox in the fall to realign with nature’s rhythms, eliminate toxins, and prepare our bodies and minds for the upcoming season.

This gentle, nourishing approach not only supports physical health but also fosters profound well-being and balance. This fall, consider embracing Ayurvedic principles and embarking on a journey of self-care and renewal through a thoughtful fall detox.

The Vibrant Fall Detox registration is now open. Click below to learn more and start your journey.

The change of seasons is again upon us. Kids are back to school, the days are getting shorter and cooler, animals are preparing to migrate or hibernate, and the trees are dropping their leaves. It’s time to release the heat of the summer and ground ourselves so we move into the fall and winter seasons feeling grounded.

Fall is the time of year to slow down and fall back! Fall is a depleting season; cool, dry, light, windy and rough, and an ideal time to go inwards. The efficacy of our immune system reduces, and a detox strengthens us so we can combat colds, allergies, digestive disturbances, and weight gain, all effects characteristic of winter.

According to Ayurveda, cleansing without replenishment is naturally depleting. Since fall is already a depleting season, the detox part is minimal (just enough as needed by each person) and rejuvenation is the most important part of the routine.

In the Vibrant Fall Detox, we will look at how you are feeling and customize a program that aims to create balance and nourish you, using the principles from Ayurveda as our guide. If you are interested in learning more, click the link below to find out more and join the detox! It is only 12 days and you will feel amazing!

Align and Shine in 2023

December 12, 2022

Are you ready to feel AMAZING!

Join us for the Align and Shine Challenge starting January 1 – 15. We will be challenging ourselves with four simple things:

  1. Drinking Warm Water: Sipping warm water through the day keeps you hydrated and energized.
  2. Daily Movement: Incorporating 10 minutes of a beautiful cat cow yoga practice to warm up your system and burn off some of that stagnant winter energy.
  3. Wim Hof Breathing: This warming and energizing breath practice is an amazing way to decrease stress, and calm the body and mind.
  4. Cold Showers: Adding 15 seconds to 1 minute of cold water to your regular morning shower will lower inflammation, warm your body and get you going for the day.

Join our VIBRANT COMMUNITY of thriving individuals who will support you, keep you motivated and help you to align and shine so you start the new year right!

Click the button below to learn more.

15 days to feeling AMAZING!

Back by Popular Demand

December 11, 2022

Are the Holidays stressing you out?

A lot of people have been asking me about my workshop on Managing Holiday Stress with Ayurveda and Yoga.  If you weren’t able to join me last week, I will be running this again – virtually this time on Friday December 16th, from 12-1pm

In this workshop we will go into specific tools and techniques you can use right away to manage your stress, now, through the holidays and beyond. 

Workshop Highlights
In this 60-minute session we will dive deep, combining the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda and Yoga with what we know about stress from western science to:

  • Uncover What Stress Is and Is Not
  • Discuss the Consequences of Excess Stress
  • Understand the Mechanics of Stress
  • Learn How to Recognize Stress
  • Give you some tools to manage stress now, through the season, and beyond.

Register now to avoid disappointment! Spaces are limited.

To register for this workshop, click the link below.


Register for Manage Holiday Stress Workshop

While the holidays should be a time of joy and peace, for many of us they can also be stressful. Planning gatherings, visiting family, buying presents, worrying about budgetary constraints, battling holiday traffic—it can all add up!

But what if instead of getting swept up in the tide of the season, we instead initiated habits now to help eliminate the discomfort we’ve come to accept as normal at year end – exhausted, bloated, broke?

It’s entirely possible to sail into the New Year grounded and healthy and partake in all of the celebrations and beautiful traditions that give the season it’s meaning! Yoga and Ayurveda offer a wealth of simple, easy, natural ways to take the edge off stress around the holidays and beyond.

Workshop Highlights

In this 90-minute talk we will dive deep, combining the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda and Yoga with what we know about stress from western science to:

  • Uncover What Stress Is and Is Not
  • Discuss the Consequences of Excess Stress
  • Understand the Mechanics of Stress
  • Learn How to Recognize Stress
  • Give you some tools to manage stress now, through the season, and beyond.

This in-person workshop will include breathing practices and a 20-minute guided Yoga Nidra session. We recommend wearing comfortable loose-fitting clothing.

Spaces are limited. Register early to avoid disappointment. This event will sell out!

Register for Manage Holiday Stress Workshop

Dates: August 22nd – August 26th, 2022

A while back I was invited to participate in an Expert Summit and I was asked this one question:

“If you could spend one gorgeous day alone in nature what would you do to make you feel fabulous?”

They asked me to use my answer to create a truly immersive session that participants would experience that would answer to that very question!

Myself and a few other industry experts teamed up to share our best strategies for how to feel fabulous with the backdrop of the healing power of nature.

So as a way of saying “thank you” for following my blog, I wanted to share it with you for free.

There is a ton of actionable advice you can implement right away to start achieving your goal of of feeling better in all aspects of your life.

Some of what I will cover in this immersive session includes:

  • What is Ayurveda and how it can help you
  • Key habits for living a life of ease and good health
  • Learning how to align your habits to the universal rhythm
  • Understanding why habits are essential for success
  • Tips on how to start and maintain lasting habits
  • Habit evolution guideline and practice

Get it for free here: 


  • July 28 @ 5 pm
  • August 9 @ 2 pm
  • August 18 @ 12:30 pm
  • August 21 @ 10 am
  • September 12 @ 7:30 pm


  • You want greater energy.
  • You want to live well nourished.
  • You want to feel well rested.
  • You want build healthy habits.
  • You want to experience ease, flow, and thrive.

If you said yes to any of these, THIS FREE TALK IS FOR YOU.  

In this one-hour talk functional nutritionist, Rani Glick Wellness and I will show you how to design your habits. Combining the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda and Yoga with western science and functional nutrition, we will show you how you can live with vibrant health and happiness.

Then we will dive deeper to give you some tools to start your journey to vibrant living. 

This will be an informal talk where no questions are considered “silly”. We will share and learn from one another.


  • Key habits for living a life of ease and good health
  • Learning how to align your habits to the universal rhythm
  • Learn how to feed your brain and lower your stress
  • Understand why habits are essential for success
  • Tips on how to start and maintain lasting habits
  • Habit evolution guidance and practice

Click below to get your free tickets:

Date: Wednesday January 26, 2022
Time: 7–8:30 pm

Bodies prefer rhythm, especially in digestion and absorption. When you eat in a better rhythm, allowing your body to go through complete cycles of both emptiness and fullness, you begin to sleep better, move better, look better, then think, act, and feel better. You uncover your vision for a better life.

Join me to learn about the benefits of intermittent fasting, what the yogis call rhythmic eating, and how this not so new practice will improve just about every aspect of your life, including:

  • Less stress
  • More energy and focus
  • Increased fat burning and release
  • Better appetite control
  • Improved cardiovascular function
  • Better blood sugar control
  • Lower inflammation and free radical damage
  • And more! 

This one-hour talk will combine the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda and Yoga with western science and psychology to help you to learn the basics underlying this practice. Then we will dive deeper to give you some tools to start your journey to vibrant living. Bring your questions, concerns and let’s have a great discussion where we learn from each other!

Click below to register and get your FREE ticket:

It’s time for a reset! Feel vibrant, happy, and resilient in 2022 by aligning with the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda and Yoga to build healthy habits for life.

New Year, New Habits, New You

The Align and Shine Challenge from January 1 through January 14 is where we start the new year right.

Languishing, bloated, and groggy is no way to do your 2022. If the past few years have taught us anything it’s that languishing is not how we want to feel. It doesn’t get us to the goals we want to achieve, and it can be downright dangerous.

So, in the Align and Shine Challenge, you will step up your understanding of how to align with nature’s rhythms. You’ll learn how to incorporate rhythmic eating, breath, and movement practices to kickstart your day. You’ll breakthrough to new levels of intuition, clarity, and flow. Clarity, intuition and flow are the opposite of grog and languish.

You will shine.
Are you ready to learn just how good you can feel?

Click here to learn more.

It’s time for a reset! Feel vibrant, happy, and resilient in 2022 by aligning with the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda and Yoga to build healthy habits for life.

Date: Wednesday December 8, 2021
Time: 7–8:30 pm

January 1 might feel like an arbitrary date upon which to build a new outlook, and in some cases a new life. But this celebration has deep roots in history. After the Winter Solstice, a time of equal day and night, our days stretch out longer and extend further. Our bodies feel this transition – even in our modern world of artificial lights, shift work, and alarm clocks. So, January is a good time to put in place new rituals and add some healthy practices to familiar routines.

Join me in this 90-minute talk that will combine the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda and Yoga paired with behavioural science to learn how to build healthy habits to help you shine – inside and out. In this talk we will dive deep to give you some new tools and techniques to start your journey to a healthier, happier, and more vibrant life.

Click below to register and get your FREE tickets: